It's been a while...

I haven't reached out for awhile because, to be honest, it's been a tough year.


I started the year full of confidence as it was the year of the Pig and that's my Chinese astrology birth year! Time to shine, I thought, well as much as you can being a pig haha (we are optimistic and hardworking in case you didn't know...) 


Work was looking great. I was starting an exciting new passion project BYOB Social Club and Social Star was going strong. Things were going to be awesome, so I thought...however, that wasn't to be.  Sometimes life doesn't work out like that. 


You probably felt the same way at the start of 2019, confident & hopeful right.


My challenges didn't come from work, they were all personal. Not to get too personal, but some of you would know of the sudden loss of my mum, and two good friends at the start of the year. To be honest it sent me into a bit of a tail spin. Grief is a tricky thing, you never know when it will rise up fill your eyes with tears, heart aching and knock the wind out of your sails for a day. 


But we get on with it. Aussies are stoic and good at 'she'll be right'. So I soldiered on. That's what we do.


I believe in looking for the lessons in everything and the challenge made me appreciate the little things in life more than I had before. Especially health, my two boys and close friends. I re-engaged with my business 'Why' to a much greater depth and really dug deep and sorted out who I want to work with and how I can add the most value to the world. Life really is too short to not do what is your best value to the world.


I know I'm not alone in this. Through BYOB I have spoken to many of you that have faced similar challenges this year. We all have our personal sh*^t to deal with.

andrew ford,  social star, personal branding, e-ttraction.jpeg

So what's next I hear you ask?


Well I have many plans for 'the e-ttractionist in 2020', big ideas! If you want to keep on the journey with me, I will just tell you how it is. No tricky marketing, just life and business. 


With that in mind, here are a few things I'm running that may help you set yourself up for success in the new year:


Friday December 6th - BYOB Christmas Party! The last chance to connect and have a bit of fun with our gang. I really believe natural networking is where it's at for our type of business owners. It create more authentic opportunities. Grab a guest ticket here.


Wednesday December 11th - Salami Smackdown! Our favourite wine confidence team are putting on a little event to match salami and Italian wines. I will be there so come along and have a bit of fun and learn more about wine. Tickets here. 


Finally, I am working through Christmas before taking the kids away from January 5th to 16th .  If you would value from a half day 2020 Personal Brand Planning Workshop I have a few dates available. You can read more here or just send me an email.


My big focus right now is being more authentic and helpful to my tribe. Feel free to tell me when I'm not! 


I hope you will join me at one of our events or if these are not a fit for you, just connect for a coffee or chat. I'd like to hear from you :)


All the best,


Andrew Ford

P.S. be kind to your dreams, they are fragile and need nurturing.