What is a Key Person of Influence? More importantly, how do you become one?

Key Person of Influence (KPI) is the go-to person in an industry. You know the types, they get the first bite of the good deals, seem to make money easily, turns down deals not suitable for them and are the leaders in their field. Sounds great right! I'm sure most business people out there would love to be a KPI in their industry.

In my Social Star lingo this would be someone who has established e-ttraction, or digital attraction. People come to them, rather than the other way around. For service based businesses I help them get to stage one of this process through my Launch in 12 Weeks course. That's from idea to getting your first client. For clients from $200k to $1m, there is the KPI Brand Accelerator which has proven the test of time to be one of the best programs for entrepreneurs and businesses. In summary, it is a 40 week training course with 5 top notch trainers, eLearning support and you even get to write a book!

To be completely transparent I have had a long involvement with KPI and am proud to count the founders as friends and their business as partners. My first interaction was about five years ago when they first came to Melbourne and Glen Carlson came to the Start up Weekend I was running. I attended the first preview event and meet the team and knew they were good people.

Since then, I have given them some marketing support, I judge their Pitch Fest days and they have given me a boost when I launched my business. We help each other. I wouldn't be associated with them if I didn't believe their product was first class. I know many of their graduates and some of them are smashing it in their industry.

So as a partner, they give me some benefits that I pass onto my clients. If you are a service based business that is looking to move to the next level then perhaps this course could be of benefit. My recommendation is to attend their preview day and see for yourself - can't hurt to check it out and I guarantee you will get a lot out of the day itself.

If you want to join me and my crew click here to get a discount from $137 to $57 - get discounted tickets

Dates: Melbourne Saturday 11th February, Sydney Saturday 25th February and Brisbane Saturday 11th March 2017.


If you want to check out their book for free before making a decision, just fill in your details below and I will send you one.

I know many businesses are struggling to get to the next level of size to take advantage of economies of scale. If you are prepared to be the KPI of the business, use your personal brand as leverage and work hard, please do check it out. At $57 is a small investment for a whole day of training.



P.S. if you do book a ticket, let me know and I will arrange for us to all meet in the morning prior as it's more fun in a group :)

P.P.S if you want to see what the event is like, check out the video here