What is the alternative to plastic and paper straws? Tequila straws of course!

Love a good margarita? If you have been to a Mexican restaurant in the last decade and haven't had a frozen or fresh margarita, book a table immediately! Melbourne has seen an explosion of amazing Mexican restaurants and bars serving quality tequila and, I for one, absolutely love it. 

The only problem is the straws. I'm not kidding or laying it on because I represent a straw brand. In fact, it's one of the main reasons I went into the business in the first place - you either get a plastic straw (I mean really it's 2022 for god sake) or a paper one that lasts a whole 30 seconds. If I'm paying $20+ a drink, spend a few cents on the one thing that touches my lips and impacts the taste of the drink.

The first problem, plastic straws, will be solved in less than six months when the Governments in Victoria and NSW ban these environmentally unsustainable products. 

The second problem is solved by education. There are heaps of alternatives to plastic and paper, we are just one of them. I would rather get a renewable competitor than paper or plastic as it's better for the environment and my drink.

Tequila Straws provides fully biodegradable straws at a competitive price to other renewable products. But its advantage is that it comes from a waste product, agave which they use for tequila production. These plants use very little water in their growth so they are very sustainable. Transport aside, they make good sense. 

So if you are a bar or restaurant or just want to try some, hit me up! If you are a mate I will give you a box for free. Or you can order a sample for a few bucks.
