
The e-ttraction of writing a book

An interesting thing happens when you write a book, you get all sorts of e-ttraction.

launch in 12 weeks cebu edition.png

On my recent holiday to Cebu, Philippines I met a great guy, Orly Darnayla, who is running a startup incubator, Entrepreneur Beach Club. I liked his style and left him a book at my hotel, he left me a t-shirt. He was impressed that I was an author and wanted to do some more work with me. As a side benefit once the receptionist knew I was an author they looked at me with new found respect and wanted a signed copy of my book! I didn't quite get a free breakfast however they were very nice to me from then on.

When I got back to Melbourne's freezing weather I realised I missed the beaches, weather and people of Cebu. It's a beautiful place but a pretty poor country so I thought how can come back for some sun and also help the locals?

This idea lead to some discussions with my team and Orly and yesterday I inked a deal with him to bring my Launch in 12 Weeks training program to the Philippines! 

We will invite 20 early stage startups or corporate escapees from Australia or expats from Manilla to Cebu for an intensive e-ttraction program to kick-start their businesses. We are just finishing our Melbourne training program and why not do the next one at the beach!

The best part is that for every paying participant, we will give a free spot to a local entrepreneur to lift their communities out of poverty. Buy 1 Give 1 style.

All of this because I wrote a book and then started a conversation with a guy at a bar!!

e-ttraction at its finest :) 

Stay tuned for more details and if you feel like an e-ttraction boost to your business, send me a message and I can give you some more details.

Cheers Andrew

e-ttracting new people and opportunities into your business

Entrepreneur beach club Philippines

Cash is king, as your accountant would say. But I would argue that people are the lifeblood of business. It's people who generate that cash. They are the staff, partners, clients and supporters who promote your business. They build the technology, operate the equipment, make the sale and keep the relationships moving forward.

But how do you e-ttract the right people for your business?

If you have been following my blogs for awhile you would have heard me talk about valuesand the importance of forming your business around what is really most important to you. Meeting the right people is a reflection of your values. Just like your target market will be similar to yourself, your best business contacts will have similar values to you.

If you know your values and have clarified and accepted exactly what you want, and separated what everyone else wants from you. The next step is to set some intentions about who you want to meet. It's similar to the laws of attraction principles that have been around since Napoleon Hill's time, however we don't just think and grow rich, we think and take action to grow rich!

I had an example of this on my latest boliday (working holiday) when I was at the beautiful and extravagant Shangri-la hotel in Cebu, Philippines. I wasn't staying there but went there as they have a cool bar over looking the ocean so I went for a few drinks to check it out.

Knowing my values pretty well, I know that business is pretty close to the top for me. Everyday I want to do something in my business. I had already sat on the beach, been to the gym, seen where Magellan was killed by the Cebu king (true story!), read a book but I wasn't quite done.

Being the first one in the bar, I noticed a guy working furiously on his laptop overlooking the ocean drinking a beer. He seemed like a local and I thought he was a photographer for a wedding or the resort by the gear he had. Being me, I said G'day and started a chat which lead to the normal 'so what do you do?' conversation. It turns out he is a local entrepreneur trying to create a movement of new business creation to help his local people. He works from various beach resorts and has formed a group around this - the Entrepreneurs beach club Philippines - how awesome is that!

Why is this story relevant for you? Let's unpack this for a moment. Firstly, knowing and accepting my values I like to work on my holidays. Most people would say you shouldn't work, you should relax, but I can't relax unless I feel like I am doing something productive. I love it so why fight it?

Secondly, I set an intention of doing more work overseas and particularly in the Philippines as I love travel and the people there are awesome. I already hire people there, but I wanted something more.

Thirdly, I am open to opportunities. This is the big one. Many people will know they want something, set and intention and when it appears in front of them - they don't grab it. I believe you can feel the opportunity if you are open to it. It's possible to sense that that is an opportunity. Trust your instincts, they are often smarter than your five senses. Start the conversation, be open to meeting new people.

Fourth, explore the opportunity. After talking to my new mate Orly Darnayla for awhile I realised that this is a great contact to help me bring my 'Launch in 12 Week' course to Cebu, I can teach in his program or at the least, we could hang out on my next trip!

In conclusion, my advice to e-ttract new people and business opportunities in your life. Be clear on your values and live them. Set intentions of what you want. Take advantage of the opportunities that life presents and explore the potential new relationship as you never know where it can lead you.


P.S. If you would like to explore your e-ttraction in my new 1:1 coaching program message me and we can see how my 12 step process could assist your business grow.