Four ways to keep connected & productive

With Melbourne (me!) in hard lockdown and the rest of the country starting to enjoy a normal life again but knowing a huge economic hangover is coming, it's more important than ever to stay connected. Especially for business owners working at home by themselves. 

 I write this from my 10-year-old son's room, looking out at the view of the trees as Spencer has the best view in the house! Sometimes I just need some variety of workspace seeing I have been spending 90% of my time in my house for the last 3 months. My trackies and coffee machine is getting a serious workout! 

 Can you relate? 

I'm grateful that I have a place that I can work from. Other business owners aren't as lucky so check in on your mates. Thanks for all those that have been keeping in touch with me, you don't know how much it helps :) 

So a few things to help business owners out there. Some free and some paid...

  • Free book. As I start writing my second book (why not...) I am giving away copies of my first book 'Creating a Powerful Brand'. Get it here free (no email required)

  • Free Social Club. If you are a business owner and want some company, come join our BYOB Social Club which is now free to join. Stay connected with fellow business owners.  Join the Facebook Group here.

  • Grow Club. If you want to build your business and need more support, join the Grow Club for business owners. I will personally coach you through the e-ttraction Leverage techniques that I use with my high profile clients. It's $97 per month limited to 10x people. (free access to my Launch in 12 Weeks course)

  • Personal Branding Course. I have partnered with Social Media College to produce a University course for people wanting to build their brand. Check it out here if you are serious about your online branding. 

It's your time to make a difference in the world. Get off the couch, turn off the TV and kick start your idea into reality from your own home.

What am I doing? Yesterday I started Emily Gowor's 30-day book writing challenge, wish me luck! 

Don't waste this opportunity. Grow your own business while you can.

Cheers Andrew

P.S. Be quick as I only have 10x spots for my group coaching.  Join me in the Social Star Grow Club for $97- month.

 P.P.S Have a question? Book a call with me to discuss your specific needs here.